I. InternetisI. Internetis.tv, an installation for Silent Zone: Ethical intrusions in aesthetic behaviour, curatorial project by Karla Villegas exhibited in Calit2@ UCSD. This piece was conducted for this curatorial proposal in conjunction with Karla Villegas. Interactive installation: polygon matrix sea-waves projection, activated by false internet browsing. Extract: A monitor shows a website with a grid that extracts modules with RSS feeds of the most popular sites with .tv suffixes in real time. Each click leads to nowhere but the same window of the website, and by the increase of desperate clicks the sea level of the polygon-seawave enviroment (projected behind the monitor) rises, until it reaches the top. If the user stops clicking and just stands still, a video will come out showing relevant data explaining Tuvalu islands facts and their relation to the .tv suffix in the Internet. Tests and process Polygon matrix built in OSG by Adidier Gómez. Remote server communication and php by Pedro Cervantes and Adidier Gómez. RSS feeds javascript, website and grid by Laura Balboa.
*Thanks to Macario Ortega and Flowline. |